Concerning Corona Virus and other New s Stories that are Local

More news from main stream media.
I heard only the N95 mask would work if you want to keep from spreading Covid 19.
I wanted to give you an update. St Clement of Rome Parish in Jefferson Parish was not
shaking hands on Sunday. Also they did not put out Holy Water or offer the Blood of
Christ at Mass. There were just steps to keep us from spreading the virus.
Concerning the virus, it is sad what a first reaction might be to finding out someone is in
VA Medical Center because of this virus and the first thing I thought was that I hoped I
did not come in contact with that person. Secondary thoughts were of prayers for the person
fighting this illness.
Gosh it is not bad enough that we have Covid 19 but we have West Nile going on also.
We just can not catch a break these days.
David Bernard is really good at giving the weather reports and I want to thank him for that.
It should be interesting to see what happens. I was just reading that story on your web page.
I think it would be good if they keep Apple and he can do a lot for the team down the line.
The sports story of Brees taking his family skiing was a good story also.
That story about the Lakefront really bothers me. The reason it bothers me is because
I have a friend that goes to UNO every day five days a week and i am worried about their
safety and the virus that might be getting spread around the campus. Going to school was
never that dangerous back in my days of being a student at Ole Miss, Loyola and UNO.
Other Thoughts:
If I had one question for Mayor Cantrell I would ask her why New Orleans does not have free
WiFi many cities have this and New Orleans did try it but it did not stick around long for some reason.
What we know about Corona virus is that it started in China. And in the US it was most concentrated in Washington State and in New Rochelle, New York.
What we do know is that business is going down for Airlines and Cruise Ship companies. It has had a big effect on the stock market and the price of gasoline has gone down for those who are filling up tanks.
We have not heard the term hunkering down since the storms like Katrina. I wonder if the National Guard is going to be on the street in Louisiana like in New Rochelle?
Now we know it is ten times more lethal then the flu.
Harvard is closing in person classes and they will be evicting people from college dorms. Wow that is some story.+
How are things going finding a vaccine?
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