Love is like Oxygen

Love is like Oxygen

This weekend John Mc Cain died. the flags have been at half mast and it has made me kind of sad and really contemplating the future of our country. I do not know who can replace John Mc Cain there are few men as selfless as him who put Country above all else. We never did hear much about his position on God but I have heard that he loved his ranch in Sedona, AZ. Mitch Mc Connell was on one of the major news networks today. It was either Fox or CNN. He said all good things about Senator Mc Cain. Now my room mate did say something that i had never heard before. He said that when Mc Cain was a prisoner he was a snitch. They had a guy on tv today that was a POW with Mc Cain for three years. They said Mc Cain always had a sense of humor. My friend Mike is the one that told me that Mc cain still has a living mother and she is 106 years old. That is really amazing. Mc Cain asked Trump not to be at his Eulogy and Mc Cain is going to be burried at Annapolis. I wonder if his dad was burried there? I wonder why he did not want to be burried at Arlington. I think I have it right when I say that Mc Cain was an Annapolis grad and I heard his father was an admiral in the navy. That is having some serious pull if his father was an admiral. For some reason I have been thinking of the people I know in AA that were once enlisted with USMC and are USMC forever now. Semper Fi is what they say amongst themselves. I also do know one guy that was in Gulf War One. That is really some serious bragging rights.

this was a picture i took of myself in 2016 things seemed to be going well at that time in my life but i had no idea what i was in store for.

picture i took of myself in cozumel. or actually i might have had someone take this picture for me as they walked along the beach, it was not actually cozumel but it might have been the first stop which was playa del carmen at the time i took that cruise. this was just after the year 2000 so maybe it was 2002 or 2003 i am not sure which.

April 2020

Coping with the Pandemic I am doing a lot of flight sim work. I belong to two virtual airlines. I belong to Eastern Hops and Braniff Virtual. Today I did a flight from New York to Philly. It was a good flight but my f18 kind of did spin out on the landing. That did not make me happy but I think I will still get credit for the flight even if the landing was not perfect. In all Virtual Airlines that I know of you have to land with a landing rate less than 400 feet per min. This can be a challenge at times. I have given a lot of my time to virtual airlines and I find it rather exciting to log many hours. I did touch down and bounce on this flight into Philly but I think the flight will still be accepted and I did file my Pirep or Pilot report for this flight. I have taken lessons in real life and not just sim. I have done some nice Aerial Photography in my life and I am trying to sell those pictures online if anyone wants to buy them.
I have some friends that I text every day. And today and right now my roommate is watching the Price is Right with Drew Carrey. It is a good show and he watches that every day. I try to watch "The Story" every day at six central on Fox News. Last night I saw a good History program on SkinWalker ranch in Utah and I am interested in this because I have a friend that lives in Utah and when he used to live in New Orleans him and I and one other friend used to go out to eat together all of the time. I have one friend that I text every day and him and I went to high school together. I think that was a run on sentence. I wonder what would happen if I submitted this document to Grammarly.
I know I need to practice positive thinking. I do watch Mike Dooly and he told me to write the end to my own story. He says we need to make it a happy ending. I am almost 50 and it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks. I feel like I have some life experience that can benefit me in this world. I did wake up and go for a walk this morning at 8 am because I knew that if I went for a walk it would wake me up. I might post some more for the meetup and then I can do the "Shut Up and Write" meetup on Friday. I forgot to do it last Friday night because I went to bed early.


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