Love is like Oxygen

Love is like Oxygen This weekend John Mc Cain died. the flags have been at half mast and it has made me kind of sad and really contemplating the future of our country. I do not know who can replace John Mc Cain there are few men as selfless as him who put Country above all else. We never did hear much about his position on God but I have heard that he loved his ranch in Sedona, AZ. Mitch Mc Connell was on one of the major news networks today. It was either Fox or CNN. He said all good things about Senator Mc Cain. Now my room mate did say something that i had never heard before. He said that when Mc Cain was a prisoner he was a snitch. They had a guy on tv today that was a POW with Mc Cain for three years. They said Mc Cain always had a sense of humor. My friend Mike is the one that told me that Mc cain still has a living mother and she is 106 years old. That is really amazing. Mc Cain asked Trump not to be at his Eulogy and Mc Cain is going to be burried at Annapolis. I wonder if hi...