FSX Chapter Two

FSX Chapter Two of Blogger Entries. Joseph Guccione Simulations Specialist Flight Sim Sunset Over San Antonio Lackland Air Force Base Posting some cool new vids today. Hope you enjoy the video this was a sunset arrival into San Antonio at Kelly Air Force Base. Barn Storming Las Vegas for a quick Aerial Flight and landing at one nine right. Table of Contents This is a snap shot of my last landing smartCARS version, 2019/10/13 UTC-5 [03:12:45 PM] Preflight started, flying offline [03:12:45 PM] Flying Cessna Skyhawk 172SP Paint1 [03:12:45 PM] Engine 1 is on [03:12:57 PM] Pushing back with 318 lb of fuel [03:12:58 PM] Taxiing to runway [03:13:09 PM] Taking off [03:13:31 PM] Climbing, pitch: 3, roll: 2 degrees right, 95 kts [04:30:57 PM] Cruising at 3000ft, pitch: -3, 134 kts [04:33:34 PM] Descending early, distance: 30 n...