
As we all know by now.....

 The new flight sim is out for 2020 after 15 years going off of the map microsoft is back. i have some screen shots. that is about all i have for now. New Link

Trying Something different today...

While all of the flight sim world is waiting for Flight Sim 2020 to come out in one month I went back to an old standby game. This is Tom Clancy Hawx 2. It is a good game if you want a virtual combat sim that does not require a serious gaming computer.

Memorial Day FSX

FSX Pictures Complete the following survey and get entered for a chance to win an FSX Mission. You get one chance for filling out the survey, however, I can only enter your name into random number generator if you leave email. Drawing held once per month. Loading… Wondering where to find my FSX missions --- google "sim market", once you find sim market search for "air shop" OR Follow this LINK The following is my You Tube play list for your listening enjoyment. See Meditation