
Trying Something different today...

While all of the flight sim world is waiting for Flight Sim 2020 to come out in one month I went back to an old standby game. This is Tom Clancy Hawx 2. It is a good game if you want a virtual combat sim that does not require a serious gaming computer.

Memorial Day FSX

FSX Pictures Complete the following survey and get entered for a chance to win an FSX Mission. You get one chance for filling out the survey, however, I can only enter your name into random number generator if you leave email. Drawing held once per month. Loading… Wondering where to find my FSX missions --- google "sim market", once you find sim market search for "air shop" OR Follow this LINK The following is my You Tube play list for your listening enjoyment. See Meditation

Memorial Day 2020 Remembering the fallen heroes


Favorite TV Show

Rizzoli and Isles is probably the best TV show on TV. Blue Bloods and Rizzoli and Isles are closely ranked one and two.

Flight Sim Survey

Link to Paper (recent)

Shopping Survey

Link to paper

Survey About Pandemic
